Hey 👋  I’m Becky and I am a branding photographer that shoots video too*

I like to work with personality-driven businesses, just like yours, to create exciting photographs and video content that authentically reflect you and your values.

I also get my photo taken all the time because otherwise I’d be a massive hypocrite. So I roll around on the floor (literally) to be the weirdest I possibly can so I know exactly how you feel when you get in front of my camera.

My friends describe me as having labrador energy. My theory is the more I look like a clown on our shoot, the less you feel like one and I have a 10/10 success rate for putting the wonderful humans in front of my camera at absolute ease. (I also have a 10/10 success rate for encouraging them out for celebration fizz or food afterwards but we can come back to that later…)

Outside of being creative I am a massive musical theatre nerd, a gin connoisseur and completely at home make up free in the middle of nowhere watching the birds. I once won a pub quiz because identifying them is a bit of a super power and no you can’t shame me for it.

*classic overachiever energy. But you know what, when you grow up, people tend to want to work with overachievers, so ha! playground bully.